Swallows Oast if fully licensed, by East Sussex County Council, to hold Civil Ceremonies inside the Oast and outside under the Pavilion. We can also offer part and non legal Ceremonies in the enclave down Swallows Trail, and at the Pagoda by the lake.
Set amongst beautiful scenery Swallows Oast offers great opportunities to hold the Ceremony of your choice in the setting of your choice. We can guarantee that where ever your Wedding is held it will be a unique and unforgettable experience
We will guide you through your Ceremony, which will be conducted by the East Sussex Registrars, all details can be accessed through their website.
East Sussex Registration Service
Ginny Collins Humanist Ceremonies
Humanist celebrant, accredited by the British Humanist Association. Ginny Collins writes and conducts non-religious wedding ceremonies, same-sex partnership ceremonies and baby naming ceremonies in London, the Home Counties and abroad.
Professional, warm and with an un-erring eye for detail, we are dedicated to making your special day just as special as it can possibly be. So, whatever the occasion, however you want to do it, make a date with Kate and Kate!